6 items found for ""
- Shape
1.https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?&q=elements+of+design+shape&&mid=772D479AE3F2692C80CD772D479AE3F2692C80CD&&FORM=VRDGAR 2.https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?&q=elements+of+design+shape&&mid=FCF8F9ADA04E67E5302AFCF8F9ADA04E67E5302A&&FORM=VRDGAR 3.https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?&q=elements+of+design+shape&&mid=D93A67FB706AFDD48977D93A67FB706AFDD48977&&FORM=VRDGAR My favorite video is this one because they showed how to shade shapes and make 3D objects look more realistic, they also showed me that I should shade around the object to make a shadow. They also explained proportioning objects clearly and simply. https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?&q=elements+of+design+shape&&mid=772D479AE3F2692C80CD772D479AE3F2692C80CD&&FORM=VRDGAR I learned that the elements of art are shape, line, form, texture, value, space and color. I learned that everyday objects could have hidden shapes in them with invisible lines. I learned that you could use shading to increase the quality of 3D objects. You can see an invisible triangle in between the bridges and an Ellipse in between the supports of the bridge. The triangle gives me a creative feeling because of the water reflecting it onto the water. The Ellipse shows a calm and relaxing mood.
- Monster Cupcakes
The cupcakes design was just like the planning sheet except we changed the yellow cupcake to simplify it. The amount of icing we needed was perfect and we didn't need to make anymore more. The photos were good, and they were focused on the cupcakes. The most challenging aspect in my opinion was the making of the icing and putting the perfect amount of dye and flavors into it. I liked the design of the cupcakes the of out of everything in this project because they all are different and if they were all the same, they would be pretty boring.
- focaccia art
I liked the color and the texture of the bread and vegetables. I would add more seeds and cook the bread for longer next time
- cinnamon buns
I made the bread fast and efficiently. I made the bread the focal point of the picture and caught the tiny details of the bread. I would use less sugar for the bread next time. I would add more background detail to the photos next time. The texture of the bread is grainy, hard and smooth.
- Photo lighting blog
The three videos are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHul0-iTKjU 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN53aLPN9Lc 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2wzj5Yzy7o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The highest quality video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2wzj5Yzy7o The 3 things the video did well are: 1. I learned how to fix not enough light in the picture. 2. I learned how to fix flat light. 3. I learned how to improve composition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 3 things I learned about lighting are: 1.Flat light. 2.Not enough light. 3.Where you place your light. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We used Natural light, Artificial light and Reflective light in that order. The photos of the pepper where taken in the school library. The best photo was the reflective lighting or the third photo because it captured all of the little details of the pepper and there were no background shadows of other objects.